Elmiron Eye Lawsuit News

Cases Of Elmiron Eyesight Damage Could Be In The Hundreds of Thousands

Elmiron eye damage could affect more than a quarter of the millions of women who have taken the IC drug

Monday, October 25, 2021 - Most scientific studies of the drug Elmiron analyze populations of people who take it regularly for more than one year. Study after study has concluded that an unacceptably high percentage of people have been diagnosed with pigmentary maculopathy or some other form of macular degeneration after taking Elmiron. As a result of the discovery, experts agree that patients who begin taking Elmiron should also have a retinal eye examination to establish a baseline and that they should repeat the exam no less frequently than every year. The purpose of the exams is to watch for changes to the retina, the light-sensing surface on the back of the eye, for changes or spots. The Elmiron website warns readers: "Throughout your (Elmiron) treatment, regular eye examinations that include retinal examinations (are suggested) for early detection of retinal/macular changes." Elmiron is suspected of registering a particular pattern of spots on the retina that distinguish the condition from age-related maculopathy. An interesting discovery that researchers have identified is that people taking Elmiron tend to willingly increase the dosage they take over the years, as their interstitial cystitis pain increases. This is discouraged and the warning label on Elmiron highlights that patients should strictly adhere to the dosage instruction on the packaging. Elmiron pigmentary maculopathy can cause the patient to have difficulty seeing in sub-optimal lighting conditions difficulty driving or seeing at night. More than 500 Elmiron eye lawsuits have been organized in multidistrict litigation where plaintiffs have experienced eyesight damage and blame it on taking Elmiron. Janssen Pharmaceuticals and Johnson & Johnson are accused of ignoring the complaints that were being made linking taking Elmiron with developing serious vision damage.

One of the more insidious consequences of ignoring the Elmiron eye warning is that for nearly three decades, doctors have misdiagnosed a person's maculopathy as being normal and age-related, all the while being preventable. "three ophthalmologists conducted a review of patients at Kaiser Permanente in Northern California. They found that about one-quarter of patients with significant exposure to Elmiron showed definite signs of eye damage and that this medication toxicity could masquerade as other known retinal conditions, such as age-related macular degeneration or pattern dystrophy," according to research presented at AAO 2019, the 123rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and reported by AAO.org. Scientists also warn that because Elmiron has been the only FDA-approved drug for treating painful bladder syndrome, " hundreds of thousands of people have likely been exposed to the drug." When a person puts two and two together, Elmiron may have caused many thousands of cases of macular degeneration and the age-related diagnosis could have been mostly inaccurate. An absurdly high percentage of Elmoiron patients have been diagnosed with maculopathy and the number can only go higher. AAO.org reports, "They found that about one-quarter of patients with significant exposure to Elmiron showed definite signs of eye damage and that this medication toxicity could masquerade as other known retinal conditions, such as age-related macular degeneration or pattern dystrophy."

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Lawyers for Elmiron Eye Lawsuits

Attorneys handling Elmiron Eye lawsuits for leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma offer free, no-obligation case review for individuals and families who believe they may have grounds to file a Elmiron Eye lawsuit. Working on a contingency basis, these attorneys are committed to never charging legal fees unless they win compensation in your Elmiron Eye lawsuit. The product liability litigators handling Roundup claims at OnderLaw have a strong track record of success in representing families harmed by dangerous drugs and consumer products.