Elmiron Eye Lawsuit News

Elmiron Eye Lawsuit News

Information and News About Elmiron Eye Lawsuits

Women Who Stopped Taking Elmiron Years Ago Could Experience Progressive Degenerative Eyesight Damage Years Later In Life | 2/27/2022

You do not have to be currently taking Elmiron to start to develop macular degeneration and file a lawsuit...READ MORE

Elmiron Eye Damage Patients Seek Millions From Janssen Pharmaceuticals and Johnson & Johnson | 2/23/2022

The company failed to warn patients of the vision damage that could occur if they took the interstitial cystitis drug...READ MORE

Women With Interstitial Cystitis (IC) Look To Social Media For Answers When Elmiron (PPS) Fails | 2/14/2022

One of the less talked about ways IC affects the interpersonal relationships of its sufferers is the disease's effect on one's love life...READ MORE

Women Who Take Elmiron Should Follow Elmiron Eyesight Damage Lawsuits Right Here | 2/8/2022

Women who take Elmiron should know the complex science underlying hundreds of Elmiron lawsuits...READ MORE

Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium) May Cause Eye Damage To Infants Fed Breastmilk From Mothers Suffering From Interstitial Cystitis (IC) | 2/3/2022

IC often occurs immediately after childbirth when the mother is breastfeeding ...READ MORE

Elmiron Eye Lawsuits Inform Others About The Dangers Of Taking The Drug | 1/31/2022

Women should question the medical advice of their doctors when prescribing Elmiron to treat their bladder pain...READ MORE

Stem Cell Therapy May Be An Alternative To Taking Elmiron PPS | 1/16/2022

Elmiron eye damage has physicians looking toward other therapies for IC pain answers...READ MORE

Vision Loss Is A Devastating Injury Worthy of Maximum Legal Compensation | 1/11/2022

Every aspect of life may be negatively impacted or destroyed by the consequences of Elmiron eye damage...READ MORE

Women Taking Elmiron May Develop Irreversible Central Vision Damage | 1/5/2022

Doctors continue to prescribe Elmiron despite the warnings that it causes central vision damage rendering the victim legally blind...READ MORE

Women With Pigmentary Maculopathy That Took Elmiron Should File Eye Damage Lawsuits Over Failure To Warn | 12/30/2021

Doctors today continue to sell Elmiron like nothing was the matter...READ MORE

Elmiron Eye Damage Multidistrict Litigation Grows To More Than 675 Plaintiffs | 12/23/2021

The charges made against Janssen and Johnson & Johnson are also expanding to include failure to perform the necessary post-market testing...READ MORE

Elmiron Eye Damage Is Tantamount To Going Blind When One Can No Longer Work Or Enjoy Life | 12/17/2021

The long term use of Elmiron pentosan polysulfate sodium may leave patients legally blind...READ MORE

Women With Interstitial Cystitis May Look Past Their Doctors For Pain Relief and Urinary Incontinence Answers | 12/2/2021

Pills and medications that doctors recommend could be quackery when holistic treatment are safer and more effective...READ MORE

Women That Have Taken Elmiron To Treat IC Pain And Incontinence Often Try Other Methods | 11/27/2021

Some may use a hot water bottle, Epsom Salt baths, acupuncture and other holistic methods of pain relief...READ MORE

Women With IC Should Eat According To The Food List Recommended By The Interstitial Cystitis Network | 11/18/2021

Elmiron vision loss was avoidable by improving one's diet, acupuncture, and other holistic approaches...READ MORE

Elmiron Bellwether Trials To Start In 2023 And Focus on Blurred Vision | 11/13/2021

The judge has more than a year to analyze the testimony of experts that want to testify in upcoming Elmiron eye damage trials...READ MORE

Janssen Admits On Their Website Elmiron Causes Pigmentary Maculopathy And Has Other Serious Side Effects | 11/8/2021

Science day may have ended Janssen Pharmaceutical's hopes of defending their anti interstitial cystitis drug...READ MORE

Elmiron Eye Damage Could Force A Person Out Of Work Or Cause Them To Injure Others At Work, At Play, Or While Driving | 11/2/2021

Elmiron vision damage may cause personal injury and death because it affects those in dangerous occupations and recreational interests...READ MORE

Credible Studies Show Elmiron PPS Does Not Alleviate Bladder Pain And Claims That It Does Are False | 10/28/2021

Taking a full dose of Elmiron showed no greater pain relief than taking a placebo or taking one-third of the recommended dose...READ MORE

Cases Of Elmiron Eyesight Damage Could Be In The Hundreds of Thousands | 10/25/2021

Elmiron eye damage could affect more than a quarter of the millions of women who have taken the IC drug...READ MORE

Each scientific study linking Elmiron to causing night vision damage could help plaintiffs suing Janssen Pharmaceuticals | 10/19/2021

A Federal judge is examining scientific evidence and will present a list of the experts that can testify at trial in 2022...READ MORE

Failing To Treat IC Or UTIs Could Result In Sudden Death From Sepsis or Infections | 10/14/2021

Drinking cranberry juice to treat a urinary tract infection could cause interstitial cystitis to worsen...READ MORE

Former Elmiron Patients Should Consider Adding Acupuncture To A Holistic Bladder Pain Treatment Regimen | 10/12/2021

Elmiron eye damage is forcing millions of people to seek holistic medical treatment for interstitial cystitis...READ MORE

Doctors Should Have Warned Patients About The Possibility Of Elmiron Vision Loss | 10/8/2021

About 350 Elmiron eye lawsuits are in the works examining the complex scientic data...READ MORE

Elmiron Eyesight Damage Summary Part One | 10/8/2021

About 350 Elmiron eye lawsuits are in the works examining the complex scientic data...READ MORE

The Science Points To An Elmiron Macular Degeneration Connection | 10/6/2021

Authoritative legal sources are confident of the connection between taking Elmiron and being unable to see...READ MORE

IC Pain Association Offers Good Advice To Replace Elmiron | 10/1/2021

Eating a better diet may help to alleviate most cases of chronic bladder pain and other digestive disorders. ...READ MORE

Women Are Finding Bladder Pain Relief In A Gluten-Free Diet | 9/28/2021

Women are experiencing bladder pain relief when they stop eating grains and foods made from them...READ MORE

Elmiron Vision Damage Lawsuits Rely On Complex Scientific Concepts | 9/22/2021

The time has come when experts will testify next week about their Elmiron vision studies ...READ MORE

Doctors Prescribe Elmiron To Men That Suffer From A Painful Condition Similar To A Woman's Bladder Pain | 9/19/2021

Nonbacterial prostatitis affects men with chronic prostate gland pain and is treated With Elmiron ...READ MORE

Super Aloe Vera Capsules Challenge Janssen Pharmaceutical's IC Pain Relief Monopoly | 9/14/2021

FDA approval of this alternative IC pain drug seems likely given Elmiron's troubles with causing severe vision damage...READ MORE

Janssen Pharmaceuticals Owe Elmiron Patients An Explantation Why They Failed To Warn Them They Could Lose Their Vision | 9/10/2021

Elmiron patients feel betrayed and are looking for plain language answers about the degree of danger they are in...READ MORE

Taking More Elmiron Than Prescribed Could Cause More Extensive Eyesight Damage | 9/6/2021

Elmiron build up causes greater pigmentary maculopathy if a patient fails to adhere to a strict dosage...READ MORE

Elmiron Vision Damage Lawsuits Are Proceeding Through The Discovery Process | 8/31/2021

There are currently around 250 Elmiron pentosan polysulfate sodium (PPS) lawsuits consolidated into multidistrict litigation (MDL) ...READ MORE

Women With Bladder Pain Should Review Elmiron Vision Damage Warnings | 8/27/2021

After two decades of ignoring women with vision damage, Elmiron now admits it causes life-threatening vision damage ...READ MORE

Urologists Prescribing Elmiron Should Warn Patients That Eyesight Damage Could Result | 8/24/2021

The word about the toxicity of anti-interstitial cystitis drug Elmiron is gradually getting to physicians that prescribe it and the patients who take it. ...READ MORE

Being Unable To Drive Safely At Night Should Be Number One On The Elmiron Warning Label | 8/21/2021

Elmiron's online warning fails to convey the urgency of its toxicity...READ MORE

Only Multi-Million Dollar Jury Awards May Convince Janssen To Stop Selling Elmiron | 8/17/2021

Elmiron continues to be prescribed by doctors and sold by pharmacists despite evidence that it causes blindness ...READ MORE

Large Elmiron Jury Awards Could Swell The Number Of Plaintiffs | 8/13/2021

Elmiron vision damage lawsuits are proceeding quietly but could get publicity if juries award large punitive damages ...READ MORE

Elmiron Vision Damage Can Be Avoided By Changing Diet and Lifestyle | 8/11/2021

It may be more beneficial to have made lifestyle changes than to take a doctor's recommendation to go on Elmiron ...READ MORE

Scientists Are Shocked When Learning Of Elmiron Vision Damage | 8/4/2021

One scientist who studied the effects of Elmiron (pentosyn polysulfate sodium) is shocked at the severity of vision damage caused by the anti-bladder pain medicine...READ MORE

Elmiron Lawsuits Follow The Pattern of Being Misled By Their Doctors That The Drug Was Safe | 7/30/2021

Women would have opted for a different course of IC treatment like improving their diet had they known taking Elmiron would cause them to go blind...READ MORE

A Person Experiencing Elmiron Vision Damage Can File A Lawsuit | 7/28/2021

Legal experts expect more than 1000 lawsuits against Janssen Pharmaceuticals and Johnson & Johnson for failing to warn women that their bladder pain medicine could ruin their eyesight...READ MORE

The Food And Drug Administration Updated The Elmiron Safety Warning Only Recently | 7/21/2021

The FDA waited for 24-years before updating its warnings about Elmiron night blindness vision damage...READ MORE

Patients Must Establish an Eyesight Baseline To Compare With Vision Damages Allegedly Caused By Elmiron | 4/19/2021

The makers of Elmiron admit the drug causes night blindness, and that a vision test is necessary before receiving the drug...READ MORE

Doctors That Treat Interstitial Cystitis Pain With Elmiron Should Recommend Dietary Changes Instead | 4/12/2021

Women with IC should be aware that taking Elmiron to ease their bladder pain could cause irreversible night blindness...READ MORE

Bladder-Pain Patients Taking Elmiron Should See An Ophthalmologist For Vision Loss Testing | 4/7/2021

Doctors should advise Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium) patients to undergo ophthalmic screening for those that pose vision complaints...READ MORE

Johnson & Johnson Continue to Overlook Warning Doctors That Prescribe Elmiron | 4/2/2021

Despite the overwhelming evidence that Elmiron causes permanent, irreversible, and progressive eyesight damage, doctors continue to prescribe the medication...READ MORE

Is It Possible Elmiron's Bladder Pain Relief May Be Only Psychosomatic? | 3/28/2021

Only one-third of Elmiron patients experience a reduction of interstitial cystitis pain more than half...READ MORE

Uncertainty And Questions Surrounds Bladder-Pain Drug Elmiron | 3/19/2021

Many questions are surrounding the anti bladder pain drug Elmiron, and also a few facts do not add up...READ MORE

Women Are Filing Elmiron Vision Damage Lawsuits | 3/7/2021

Janssen Pharmaceuticals has enjoyed a monopoly on manufacturing and selling Elmiron for more than two decades and waited until 2020 to begin alerting consumers of the vision damage risks...READ MORE

Add Permanent and Irreversible To Describe Alleged Elmiron, Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium (PPS) Eyesight Damage | 3/3/2021

A plaintiff claims that Elmiron is no more effective in treating interstitial cystitis (IC) than a placebo...READ MORE

Elmiron (PPS) Leaves A Specific Signature On A Patient's Retina | 2/24/2021

Scientists have determined that maculopathy in patients taking Elmiron is different from the general form of the condition...READ MORE

Two More Canadian Women Report Elmiron Related Blindness | 2/22/2021

The symptoms of pigmentary maculopathy and macular degeneration are similar in Canada and the United States...READ MORE

Janssen Waiting Until 2020 To Admit Elmiron Blindness | 2/16/2021

Janssen Pharmaceutical has enjoyed a decades-long monopoly as the only FDA approved Elmiron drug...READ MORE

Attorney Danielle Gold Appointed To Lead Elmiron Lawsuit MDL | 2/8/2021

Attorneys reflect the predominance of womenthat have been injured by allegedly taking Elmiron...READ MORE

Opthamoligists Believe Elmiron Causes Permanent Eyesight Damage | 1/27/2021

The American Academy of Ophthalmology has studied Elmiron's side effects and concluded that the drug causes night blindness and possibly worse...READ MORE

Dangerous Drug Elmiron Slipped Past The FDA | 1/19/2021

Doctors that prescribe dangerous drugs assume the FDA has done their job and adequately warned consumers...READ MORE

Long-Term Elmiron Use More Than Doubles The Risk of Eyesight Damage | 1/11/2021

A study suggests that the more Elmiron one takes and the longer the period, the greater the eyesight damage...READ MORE

Canadian Government Issues Elmiron Warning to Physicians | 12/29/2020

Women are coming forward in record number complaining of vision loss linked to taking Elmiron...READ MORE

Elmiron May Cause Age-Related Macular Degeneration | 12/18/2020

Several diseases and adverse medical conditions have emerged in recent years in epidemic proportions, and their causes are unknown...READ MORE

Uninjured Elmiron Users May Also Want Their Day In Court | 12/4/2020

Elmiron eyesight damage could begin many years after first taking the drug...READ MORE

Janssen Pharmaceutical Failed To Warn Their Patients That One in Four User May Lose Their Eyesight | 11/23/2020

Millions of Americans may be at risk of suffering permanent eyesight damage from taking the IC drug...READ MORE

Elmiron Side Effect May Cause Permanent Life-Altering Vison Problems | 11/16/2020

Elmiron patients can expect their vision to worsen earlier in life than expected and also long after they have stopped taking the drug...READ MORE

Elmiron Macular Degeneration May Have Been Mis-diagnosed As Age-Related | 11/5/2020

Drug companies should warn doctors and patients of side effects before patients are injured...READ MORE

Elmiron Users Are Advised To Make Lifestyle Changes | 10/28/2020

Some recommendations are as simple as doing gentle exercises such as walking, yoga, or low-impact aerobics...READ MORE

Individuals Continue to File Elmiron Vision Damage Lawsuits | 10/14/2020

An Indiana woman claims taking Elmiron caused her to suffer permanent macular degeneration...READ MORE

Studies Indicate Elmiron Causes Early-Onset Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) | 10/5/2020

Lawsuits claim that Johnson & Johnson willfully ignored Elmiron's vision damage side effects...READ MORE

Elmiron Drug Accused of Causing Retinal Toxicity In Recent Lawsuit | 9/18/2020

Lawsuits against Janssen Pharmaceuticals claim the company ignored patient and health care worker complaints that Elmiron patients were losing their vision...READ MORE

Elmiron Drug Accused of Causing Retinal Toxicity In Recent Lawsuit | 9/15/2020

Lawsuits against Janssen Pharmaceuticals claim the company ignored patient and health care worker complaints that Elmiron patients were losing their vision...READ MORE

Plaintiffs Seek To Hold Johnson & Johnson Accountable For Causing Elmiron Eyesight Damage | 9/2/2020

Elmiron Blindness is just another in a long line of dangerous drugs and faulty medical devices developed and marketed by a company owned by Johnson & Johnson...READ MORE

Elmiron Lawsuits Are Gathering Steam as The Eyesight of Millions of People May Have Been Affected | 8/25/2020

Product Liability lawsuits spur private investigations that may reveal negligence by major drug manufacturers...READ MORE

Doctors Link Elmiron With Macular Degeneration In Long-Term Users | 8/13/2020

Elmiron patient's eye damage has gone unchecked for decades and misdiagnosed as retinal dystrophy, a condition common among the elderly...READ MORE

Thousands of Elmiron Users May Experience Blindness | 7/27/2020

Janssen Pharmaceuticals is being accused of failing to warn patients of what they knew or should have known about Elmiron's heinous side effect...READ MORE

Lawyers for Elmiron Eye Lawsuits

Attorneys handling Elmiron Eye lawsuits for leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma offer free, no-obligation case review for individuals and families who believe they may have grounds to file a Elmiron Eye lawsuit. Working on a contingency basis, these attorneys are committed to never charging legal fees unless they win compensation in your Elmiron Eye lawsuit. The product liability litigators handling Roundup claims at OnderLaw have a strong track record of success in representing families harmed by dangerous drugs and consumer products.