Elmiron Eye Lawsuit News

Scientists Are Shocked When Learning Of Elmiron Vision Damage

One scientist who studied the effects of Elmiron (pentosyn polysulfate sodium) is shocked at the severity of vision damage caused by the anti-bladder pain medicine

Wednesday, August 4, 2021 - Women with painful bladder syndrome need to go to the toilet dozens of times every day because of the excruciating pain that a full bladder causes. The condition is known as interstitial cystitis (IC), for which doctors have prescribed Elmiron (pentosyn polysulfate sodium) to help alleviate the pain. Elmiron is not a quick fix like aspirin and takes about three months of taking every day before it becomes effective. Studies indicate that approximately one in four or about 25% of the patients that have taken Elmiron develop maculopathy and macular degeneration. Scientists have discovered that Elmiron maculopathy has a unique retinal spot signature that makes it distinguishable from other causes of maculopathy such as old age. NY Legal Examiner (NYL) identified a study that confirms the Elmiron statistics, "Scientists at Kaiser Permanente, for instance, found that of the 140 of their patients who had taken Elmiron for a minimum of 5 years, 22 (24 percent) showed eye damage." The May 19, 2020 report by Permanente Medicine explained the connection between Elmiron and maculopathy. The report quoted the study co-authored by Robin Vora, MD, chair of ophthalmology for The Permanente Medical Group in Oakland, California. Dr. Vora voice outrage to a Canadian news program recently, saying that Elmiron vision damage "mimics really severe macular degeneration, and we were a little bit shocked to see that a medicine could cause this much damage." The study also concluded that the longer one takes Elmiron, the greater the probability of having eyesight damage. Elmiron vision damage plaintiffs are suing Janssen Pharmaceuticals and their parent company Johnson & Johnson because they failed to warn them of the eyesight damage side effects caused by the drug for the first 24 years it was on the market. It was not until 2020 did the company publish the truth that Elmiron caused night blindness. Elmiron patients report having difficulty seeing in sub-optimal lighting conditions, difficulty reading, and being unable to drive at night.

Elmiron patients experiencing night vision difficulties should consult an Elmiron vision damage attorney for a free, no-cost, no-obligation consultation. Patients should see an independent opthalmologist and have the degree of vision damage documented. Other records that will be needed if one is to be successful in winning lump-sum monetary damages include records of the Elmiron prescriptions which one's pharmacy can provide. Bank statements showing the drug's purchase by credit or debit card can also add to the completeness of the claim. Elmiron vision damage plaintiffs seek reimbursement for medical expenses, loss of income past present, and future, and pain and suffering. If you have taken Elmiron and have "difficulty reading, blurred vision, difficulty adjusting to the darkness, dark spots in the center of your field of vision, blurry spots in the center of your field of vision, or a reduced ability to perform routine tasks as a result of impaired vision," you should, according to NYL, see an Elmiron vision damage lawyer.

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Lawyers for Elmiron Eye Lawsuits

Attorneys handling Elmiron Eye lawsuits for leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma offer free, no-obligation case review for individuals and families who believe they may have grounds to file a Elmiron Eye lawsuit. Working on a contingency basis, these attorneys are committed to never charging legal fees unless they win compensation in your Elmiron Eye lawsuit. The product liability litigators handling Roundup claims at OnderLaw have a strong track record of success in representing families harmed by dangerous drugs and consumer products.