Elmiron Eye Lawsuit News

Women That Have Taken Elmiron To Treat IC Pain And Incontinence Often Try Other Methods

Some may use a hot water bottle, Epsom Salt baths, acupuncture and other holistic methods of pain relief

Saturday, November 27, 2021 - IC Help.org (ICH) estimates that as many as 12 million people suffer from interstitial cystitis (IC), much higher than experts had estimated. That number includes about 8 million women and represents an alarmingly high percentage of all women. IC is not often diagnosed in men and when it is, it could be chronic prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome, according to ICH. A small number of cases of IC occur in children. IC is damage to the lining of the bladder and can originate from any one of several factors like after having had bladder surgery. An acidic diet also can contribute to irritating the bladder's inner wall causing chronic bladder pain. Most cases of IC include severe incontinence. Women with IC report having to urinate frequently, some up to 20 times per day, and get up many times per night, to the point where the inconvenience interferes with living a healthy life. IC women also report that having sex is painful and men with IC experience painful ejaculation. ICH reports that IC can be incapacitating that requires aggressive forms of medication. Women that have been prescribed Elmiron, manufactured by Janssen Pharmaceuticals, allege to have developed pigmentary maculopathy, a form of night blindness and blurry vision during the day.

Several hundred Elmiron eye lawsuits have been organized into multidistrict litigation to streamline presentations of the science underlying those who took Elmiron and developed pigmentary maculopathy. The first bellwether Elmiron pigmentary macular degeneration case may come to trial in early 2023. Some Elmiron lawsuits allege that the symptoms of macular degeneration have caused them to be unable to continue at their profession or occupation where perfect eyesight is required. Women with Elmiron eye damage could hurt themselves or hurt others while driving at night. Elmiron eye damage can also prevent some from being able to read, a critical part of enjoying life.

For more than twenty years, Janssen failed to warn doctors of the Elmiron eye risks associated with taking the drug. The company's website now includes a warning that "Serious side effects have been reported with the use of ELMIRON, including "Changes in the retina of the eye (pigmentary maculopathy, increased bleeding, hair loss, diarrheal, nausea, stomach pain, headache, rash, liver damage, and dizziness." Physicians that wish to prescribe Elmiron now should have the patient visit an ophthalmologist for an eye examination to establish a baseline for future comparison to monitor the extent of Elmiron's vision damage in the future. Eyesight exams are recommended every six months at the latest. Women experiencing acute IC pain may reach for quick pain relief like opiates, which may be addictive. Another way to treat IC pain is using a heating pad or hot water bottle on the painful area between the anus and the vulva. Some women report IC pain relief while taking Epsom salt baths. Drinking water can help dilute the acidity of the urine.

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Lawyers for Elmiron Eye Lawsuits

Attorneys handling Elmiron Eye lawsuits for leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma offer free, no-obligation case review for individuals and families who believe they may have grounds to file a Elmiron Eye lawsuit. Working on a contingency basis, these attorneys are committed to never charging legal fees unless they win compensation in your Elmiron Eye lawsuit. The product liability litigators handling Roundup claims at OnderLaw have a strong track record of success in representing families harmed by dangerous drugs and consumer products.