Elmiron Eye Lawsuit News

Women With IC Should Eat According To The Food List Recommended By The Interstitial Cystitis Network

Elmiron vision loss was avoidable by improving one's diet, acupuncture, and other holistic approaches

Thursday, November 18, 2021 - If you are concerned that you are experiencing vision impairment and have taken the drug Elmiron, you are not alone. Millions of women that have been prescribed Elmiron for chronic bladder pain syndrome better known as interstitial cystitis have contacted Elmiron eye damage lawyers and filed suit against Janssen Pharmaceuticals and Johnson and Johnson for failing to warn them about the dangers. Study after study has proven the link between taking Elmiron regularly for more than one year and developing pigmentary maculopathy, a form of night blindness and daytime blurriness of vision caused by spots that develop on the back part of the eye called the retina. People with Elmiron vision damage complain that driving at night has become difficult and dangerous. Be aware that taking more than the initially prescribed dose of Elmiron could accelerate vision loss. If you or a loved one are on Elmiron and suspect that your vision has diminished, you should contact an Elmiron eyesight damage attorney to see if you qualify for lump sum monetary compensation. Your attorney may require that you have an updated eyesight examination by an independent ophthalmologist before accepting your case. Elmiron lawsuits are gathering steam and could number in the thousands once the first bellwether trials have concluded and rendered substantial punitive damage awards that attract media attention. Attorneys are conducting independent investigations to look for more evidence of negligence on the part of the drug's manufacturers.

Women that have discovered that Elmiron causes eye damage are trying other forms of therapy for their IC condition including acupuncture and taking Super Aloe Vera capsules. Both treatments have been reported to help alleviate bladder pain syndrome as some studies have suspected that Elmiron is little more than a placebo, to begin with. One woman with severe IC decided to stop taking Elmiron and to take the matter into her own hands by changing her diet to eliminate spicy and acidic foods. "After two weeks of no improvement, I talked to a friend with IC, who emphasized that you have to be regimented about what you eat and drink. So, I decided to give up three of my favorite things: coffee, alcohol, and spicy food. My symptoms decreased almost immediately," according to Busthe.com. The women began a diet recommended by an organization called the Interstitial Cystitis Network. "I began eating according to the Interstitial Cystitis Network food list, and things got much better. Almost all the pain was gone, and my trips to the bathroom decreased." You can find the ICN Food List to treat interstitial cystitis, bladder pain syndrome, and an overactive bladder diet at:

https://www.ic-network.com/downloads/2012icnfoodlist.pdf. The ICN tells readers to avoid Mexican, Thai, and Indian foods more than others, as they contain more in the way of spices and heavy oils. "The ICN has the oldest and most trusted online patient support community where millions of patients have asked questions, made friends, and found hope."

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Lawyers for Elmiron Eye Lawsuits

Attorneys handling Elmiron Eye lawsuits for leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma offer free, no-obligation case review for individuals and families who believe they may have grounds to file a Elmiron Eye lawsuit. Working on a contingency basis, these attorneys are committed to never charging legal fees unless they win compensation in your Elmiron Eye lawsuit. The product liability litigators handling Roundup claims at OnderLaw have a strong track record of success in representing families harmed by dangerous drugs and consumer products.