Elmiron Eye Lawsuit News

Individuals Continue to File Elmiron Vision Damage Lawsuits

An Indiana woman claims taking Elmiron caused her to suffer permanent macular degeneration

Wednesday, October 14, 2020 - Another lawsuit by a woman claims that taking the drug Elmiron regularly and for over a year has caused her to experience a type of blindness called macular degeneration. Indiana woman Rita Ward is accusing Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a subsidiary of global health and beauty care leader Johnson & Johnson, "failed in its duty to adequately warn the medical community about the toxic vision risks associated with Elmiron," according to a report published by About Lawsuits. Elmiron Eye lawsuits represented by top national attorneys offer a free consultation before filing a claim in the United States.

People that have taken the bladder pain medicine Elmiron have experienced permanent, life-altering vision damage called macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is traditionally an age-related condition that affects millions of Americans toward the latter stages of life. Macular degeneration is permanent and gets worse over time. Lawsuits filed against Johnson & Johnson, the maker of Elmiron, claim that the drug caused macular degeneration in young adults that have taken the drug for more than one year. For the record, Elmiron was FDA-approved in 1996, and Johnson & Johson have profited from a 30-year monopoly as the only manufacturer of the drug, earning billions in profits over more than three decades. Plaintiffs with macular degeneration accuse Janssen of failing to warn them of the drug's blindness side effects. The company updated its product warning label to reflect the blindness side effect in 2020. Janssen may have known or may have had the responsibility to have known of the terrible side effects years earlier. Studies were published by medical experts at Kaiser Permanente, the Emory University School of Medicine, and the American Academy of Ophthalmology, indicating the drug causes eyesight problems over time, such as adjusting to changes in lighting and difficulty reading in less than optimal lighting conditions. Janssen Pharmaceuticals is accused of engaging in unethical business practices for failing to warn the public of the dangers of Elmiron blindness.

It takes over 6 months from starting to take Elmiron for the drug to build up and start to alleviate bladder pain associated with interstitial cystitis (IC). "a chronic, progressive and debilitating urinary bladder disease afflicting primarily women. IC is characterized by severe bladder and pelvic pain and urinary frequency," according to CenterWatch. WebMD describes the seriousness of the condition. "Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is an eye disease that may get worse over time. It's the leading cause of severe, permanent vision loss in people over age 60. It happens when the small central portion of your retina, called the macula, wears down."

Individuals that have experienced eyesight damage from regularly taking Elmiron allege Janssen Pharmaceuticals knew or had an obligation to have known of Elmiron's devastating side effects and failing to warn patients and ophthalmologists responsible for prescribing the drug. If you or a loved one developed macular degeneration or other related vision damage from taking Elmiron for over one year you should consider speaking with an Elmiron Blindness Attorney to learn of your legal options and to file a claim against Janssen.

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Lawyers for Elmiron Eye Lawsuits

Attorneys handling Elmiron Eye lawsuits for leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma offer free, no-obligation case review for individuals and families who believe they may have grounds to file a Elmiron Eye lawsuit. Working on a contingency basis, these attorneys are committed to never charging legal fees unless they win compensation in your Elmiron Eye lawsuit. The product liability litigators handling Roundup claims at OnderLaw have a strong track record of success in representing families harmed by dangerous drugs and consumer products.